Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Three Months Old

I am very behind on blog posts, so forgive me for posting three in one day.  (To find the other two, look at the blog archive list to the right.)

Jonathan turned three months on the 17th.  Here is a little bit about what he is doing these days.  He smiles often and easily and will chuckle and coo.  He weighs over 13 pounds.  He grabs his rattle and loves to hold his taggy.  He drools all day long making bibs necessary.  He occasionally sleeps 6 hours at night but most often sleeps 4 to 5.  He still doesn't like tummy time much but he will tolerate it a little more on the boppy.  His favorite song is The Wheels on the Bus.  He has started hitting toys with his hands on his bouncy seat and his swing.  Overall he is really happy these days and is such a joy!

Here are a few favorite recent pics:

1 comment:

  1. You are KILLING me, Jonathan! Your three month portrait is AWE.SOME. You're such a little man!! I've never seen you look cuter. Miss you, buddy.
