Sunday, July 31, 2011

9 Months Part 1

This month has been very exciting around here, for many reasons.  First, some stats on the little guy.  He is now 19.4 pounds (35th %), and 29 inches long (75th %), so it looks like we have a fairly tall and skinny guy on our hands.  He is doing all kinds of new things now, the biggest being crawling, pulling up, walking along furniture, and even standing by himself for a few seconds at a time.  He has become a great little eater (his favorite being sweet potatoes) and has even taken to the sippy cup lately.  Because he can stand up and walk along the furniture he wants to do that a whole lot more then play with his toys these days.  He continues to be a very smiley and happy little guy and we are enjoying all of these new milestones (although we are still baby-proofing the house a little each day).

This month has also been big because we have taken two trips and hosted company.  These events have dominated the picture-taking this month.

First, here is our traditional monthly shot:

Our first trip was a trip with our Sunday School class to Amish country.  It was a really fun weekend.

Here we are with our friends Sara and Jason.

On a buggie ride.  Jonathan wasn't real sure about this.  : (

We had the opportunity to have dinner at an Amish family's house.  It was an amazing meal.  Here we are at their beautiful home!

Next, my sister Melissa and her family came to visit us on their way to family camp.  They have come to see us all but one summer since we moved here and we always have a lot of fun with them.

We had a fun game of putt putt.  Sadly, the boys beat the girls, but not by much!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Professional Photos

A nine month blog is coming, but in the meantime here are two links to view our professional 8 month photos.  

First this is a link to where our photographer blogged about our session:

Here is our entire session:  

Password is 8months

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

8 Months...Better Late Then Never!

Jonathan turned 8 months on June 17th.  He weighed around 19 pounds and his newest trick was standing up.  He started pulling up in his crib regularly (as you can see, he is very proud of himself when he does . . . ).  He also moved on from random screeches and started making consonant sounds ("ma-ma, ba-ba, da da, ga ga . . . "). 

Wrestling with Daddy.  

This was our first experience with prunes.  We won't ever give them to him again unless there is a clear reason, because boy they get "things" moving! 

Andy went out of town to two different conferences in May and June.  To help pass the time by ourselves Jonathan and I spent quite a bit of time at the park.  

Jonathan loves taking baths. This month he started splashing a lot and playing with his bath toys.

More mealtime fun . . . . .

Andy's small group had a celebration for us to welcome Jonathan. 

More playtime . . .

Our good friends Sara and Jason invited us to a Dayton Dragon's game, so this was Jonathan's first baseball game.  

Jonathan's first experience in a kiddie pool.  He loved it!

Here we are swimming at the UD recplex.  Jonathan loved his first experience in the big pool.  

Isn't that a sweet sleeping boy?  Now if only he would sleep in this crib all night!

Clowning around with pants on his head . . . and probably about to "pet" Max. 
Max is very kind not to retaliate when Jonathan grabs him.

Andy's birthday was June 11th.  Here is a shot of the birthday boy with his boy.  

On the way to bath time.  

I am always looking for new ways to entertain Jonathan, so here I decided to let him help with the laundry.  

See you next time!