Saturday, July 28, 2012

More pictures

About a week and a half after Micah was born, we took some family pictures  . . . . to go along with the ones we got of newborn Jonathan with the same photographer.

Check them out while they're available online. We'll get a few to keep.

Here's the link:

password: micah

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Micah's First Couple Weeks

We are thrilled that Micah is here can't believe that we have two beautiful boys. We are getting to know each other more and more everyday and have enjoyed all of the company that has come to see us.  

Here are a few (well actually quite a lot) of pictures of our first couple of weeks.

Arriving home with Micah from the hospital.  

Grandma fixed her traditional roast meal for us the night we got home from the hospital. It is my favorite meal in the whole world, and it was as delicious as ever! It was a labor of love and we really appreciated it.

Me and my boys.  :)

Micah's first trip out of the house (besides going to the doctor) was to run a couple of errands and to eat lunch at Wendy's. He slept the entire time and did great.

Though we're usually not big on cheesy t-shirts, this one captures Jonathan's current personality too well.  He's always up to something these days.

Micah's first bath.  Of course he screamed the entire time.  

Our good friends Sara and Jason came over to visit with their new little one Emma. We think it would be fun someday to put this picture in a slide show at their rehearsal dinner.  :)

We bought a brand new burley bike trailer/jogger for the boys and Andy and Jonathan have been having a lot of fun in it.



Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jonathan's 21 Month Update

In an effort to not neglect our oldest son, here is a 21 month update for Jonathan.  Another post with Micah pictures will hopefully be coming soon.

Jonathan turned 21 months on July 21st.  He weighs about 27 pounds.  Jonathan is full of life and is a very active and energetic little boy.  His vocabulary is quickly expanding, and he has new words everyday.  He is currently very interested in ducks and airplanes and talks about them all day long.  He loves to be outside with his daddy, and he has recently started climbing on everything (including the kitchen table!).  He is very sweet (most of the time . . . ) with his new baby brother who he affectionately calls Bubba, and he loves giving him kisses on his head.

Here are a few recent pictures of Jonathan.

Jonathan was so excited to be in his new pool that he didn't even wait to put on his swimsuit.

Andy's birthday.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Micah's First Few Days

As everyone surely knows by now, Micah Louis Black was born at 3:48 a.m. on Monday, July 2.

Before we get to Micah's arrival, here are a few pictures of how we spent our time waiting for him to get here. My mom and aunt arrived on Tuesday June 26th, so we had nearly a week of waiting before Micah decided to join us. 

The first night was cool enough to eat outside, so we enjoyed the deck before the unbearable heat came the next few days.  

Mama, Janice and I went out to lunch with Jonathan.  Doesn't Jonathan look old here?

This is a final belly shot the morning of my due date.  I was already in labor here but didn't know it yet. I wasn't convinced that I was having contractions.  Shows what I know!

This is me shortly after I got the epidural. After several rough hours I was extremely grateful for the pain relief!

Meeting Micah for the first time!  I had been laboring for 10 hours.  Thankfully, this time I only had to push a few times.  :)

This was my labor nurse Beth.  She was awesome!

First bath.

The brothers meet.


Aunt Janice

Grandma gave Jonathan his own baby doll.  He loves it.

Waiting to head home.

More to come.