Micah has become a happy and smiley little guy. He loves observing his surroundings and is fascinated by his big brother. He weighs about 17 pounds 6 ounces and he is already in some 12 month clothes. He is slowly taking to solid foods (bananas seem to be his favorite). He loves to play on the floor and he still loves his jumper.
The first week we were home from Christmas we all had the flu. This is where I was stationed pretty much for a week. Thankfully J didn't get it. He was happy to watch a lot more tv then we usually allow!
Starting solid foods.
Pawpaw came in town for a week to help us recover from the flu. Jonathan loved having him here. Thanks for your help Pawpaw!!
This is one of his favorite things to do these days. He loves to stand up and to walk with help.
Brothers. Obviously we have to stay close when Jonathan is holding Micah.
Sitting. My new skill!
This is where the boys often are when I am trying to get some cooking done.
See you next month.