Micah turned 11 months on June 2nd. (Yes, I am extremely behind, but we have been a little busy this summer!) At 11 months Micah weighed about 20 pounds. He was slowly crawling and pulling up on all of the furniture and starting to cruise along it a little. He was as smiley as ever and into everything. He really wants to touch (and put everything in his mouth!). He has quite the little temper if something doesn't go his way (like his brother taking a toy away.) He wasn't really eating much but we kept trying every day. Some pretty big events took place this month in our family. For Micah the biggest was that he was dedicated to the Lord and the care of the church. For the rest of us...Andy graduated!!! I will let you read more about that below.
Graduation day. We didn't take the boys to the ceremony. For those of you that know our kids, you know why: Jonathan would have narrated the entire service for everyone around us. :) So we took some pictures at home.
Andy's parents came in town for the festivities.
Before Micah's dedication at church. It is next to impossible to get a picture of both of the boys sitting relatively still, looking at the camera, and smiling at the same time.
Micah with his buddy Emma.
Mother's Day with the boys!
See you soon with a one year post.