Micah continues to be our happy and smiley boy. Seldom does a day go by when we are out and about that someones doesn't comment on how great Micah's smile is. I absolutely agree!
Micah is running and working really hard to keep up with his big brother. He loves to play right alongside Jonathan and they are often seen wrestling and horsing around in the living room.
Enjoying watching the snow outside.
We had a long winter here, but it was made a little better by some fun times in the snow.
Valentine's Day goodies.
Andy built this cave for the boys in front of our house.
Bucknell basketball game with Pawpaw.
Over Spring Break we took a trip to Williamsburg, VA with Mimi and Pawpaw. The boys loved playing golf at our resort with Pawpaw.
Colonial Williamsburg.
We drove to Virginia Beach to visit the aquarium. The boys loved it.
Mimi and Micah.
We wanted to take the boys to the beach to see the ocean. It was a pretty chilly day so we didn't stay long. Micah liked it just fine, but big brother wasn't so sure.
Brother fun.