Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas in Amarillo

Here are a few pictures from our week in Amarillo:

The Sosebees:

The Bryants:

Grandma and Grandpa:

Grandma and Jonathan:

All the cousins:  Jake, Reid, Anna, Benjamin, Luke, Jenna and Caroline

Every year the kids dress up as the characters from the Christmas story.  This year they actually acted out the story, with lines and everything.  Jonathan was Baby Jesus.  :)

Jonathan with Grandpa:

This was my swing as a child:

Jonathan with his new Baylor Bear that Grandma gave him.  Mommy hopes that this will become Jonathan's favorite stuffed animal.

Jonathan with Aunt Janice:

Jonathan's cousins love him a lot and enjoyed getting to hold him.  Bejamin and Jake were sick with the flu so they didn't get to hold him this time.  Maybe next time!






1 comment:

  1. The pic of just Jonathan (not the one of him in the "manger") is just perfect. I love his little face!

    Also, I love that your swing is the "Swyng-o-matic." Do you think there were proprietary issues with the "Swing-o-matic"??
