Sunday, February 20, 2011

Four Months!

Jonathan turned 4 months on Thursday, which is really hard for us to believe.  He is changing very quickly these days and doing new things all the time.  He weighs over 14 pounds and is now 25 inches long (75th percentile, so maybe he will be tall like his Daddy!)  He rolled over for the first time a couple of weeks ago, although he hasn't started doing this regularly yet.  He has laughed a few times, which is the best sound in the world.  He has also recently found his toes which is adorable.  He rubs his eyes when he is tired and he grabs his toys and reaches for his mobile. He enjoys listening to/watching Baby Mozart and he always gives us big smiles when we talk to him in silly voices.  Here are my favorites from this month:

Some friends gave us tickets to see the UD Flyers, so here is Jonathan at his first sporting event.

On January 31st Dayton was hit with an ice storm.  Our power went out at 7:30 that evening and did not turn on until two days later.  The first night we managed to stay at our house, but by the next evening it was so cold in the house that we stayed with our good friends Tim and Jessica.  This is Jonathan at our house during the day on Feb. 1st.  I focused my day on keeping this little guy warm, which meant he was held most of the day.  So he was quite happy in his Mama's arms all day.  

Thanks for checking in and for caring about our little guy!


  1. Holy smokin' cow - he has grown up so much and is such a happy little guy. All those smiles - oh my goodness!! Too precious. Such a wonderful journey!! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with lots of pictures!!

  2. Turtle onesie!! Love it! And clearly, from that adorable grin, he loves it too.

    Second, I totally believe 75th percentile after seeing the one of him in light blue, on the light blue blanket (the one on the front of your card). He looks SO tall!

    Third, I didn't a crazy double-take when I saw the shot of you holding him. You look so much like Natalie in that picture! I've never really thought that before, but it's pretty striking in that picture.

    And finally, I see Andy finally got his UD sweatshirt. Go flyers!
