Wednesday, April 20, 2011

6 Months Old!

Jonathan turned 6 months old on Sunday.  He weighs 16 pounds 14 ounces (40th percentile) and is 26 7/8 in. (70th percentile).  He is now sitting up on his own and only toppling over on occasion.  Here are some of our favorites from this month.

Jonathan didn't want to leave the giraffe alone in this picture.

On one of our first nice spring days Andy and I took Jonathan for a walk at Wegerzyn Gardens.  

Jonathan has really been enjoying his new toys.

Happily jumping while Mama and Daddy cook dinner.

We took Jonathan to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch his first Lady Bears game.

A few weeks ago we started Jonathan on some solid foods.  He is taking to them slowly, but we are patiently trying them everyday.  He becomes so messy that it is easier to feed him wearing just a diaper and a bib.  :)

Thanks for checking in.


  1. Girlfriend - that smile is to die for! Oh the exersaucer and bouncy - how I adore thee!! Don't you just love baby feet? 6 months? WOWsers! Look at him in that bouncy seat - that is not what I remember him looking like in that!! Love you and your sweet family!!

  2. Okay, the picture of him in the crib with his hand up by his mouth has to be the CUTEST picture of a child in history. He is reeking with preciousness. Can't wait to squeeze him soon! Better hurry - I won't recognize him before long!!
