Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Christmas Part 3

On the day after Christmas, we headed to Oklahoma . . . 

A favorite toy this year...the Rocking Moose!

Playing with Papaw, Adam, and Jack . . .

A trip to the park.

All the boys went for a bike ride.

Doesn't Jonathan look like he is really riding fast?

Riding in the trailer with Jack.  

Andy and I stayed up to watch the Baylor bowl game.  Jonathan woke up during the middle of the game so he got to watch for a few minutes before he conked (sp?) out again.  

Enjoying a Mexican feast!

Playing with crazy Uncle Jason.  

The whole clan.

Mimi Sue, Papaw, and their boys.

This is a picture of Jonathan with all of his Christmas loot.  He was very blessed this year by his generous family.


  1. Completely unbiased opinion: Jonathan just might be the cutest little boy on the planet! The one of him with Mimi Sue, Donny, Jack, and Adam made me laugh out loud. He's just so darn adorable, I don't know how you stand it. SO glad you're making another little cutie!!

    Also, I'm proud of you. Given Jason's love of speed and adventure, I think it was very brave of you to let him take J in the trailer. Go Mama Jen!

  2. Hey Jen, congrats on your pregnancy! I was glad to hear the news! Given that Patrick and Jonathan are just a day or two apart, I won't second Jordan's comment... but I will say Jonathan is adorable. Looks like you've got a great family life, just need to get back to the south permanently, eh?
