Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jonathan is 2 Part 2

A few more pictures to celebrate that Jonathan is two.  

This is the first Sunday we took Micah to church.  Jonathan was a proud big brother.

Jonathan and his friend Rosie.  We miss you Rosie!

Jonathan often tells me that I have "two babies."  He can't resist getting in the bouncer, or anything that we have for Micah.

Baylor boys.

Watching the Duck race in the Great Miami River. J's obsession with Ducks (which for the longest time were "Dih-dahs") has calmed substantially. Now he'd much rather talk and read about airplanes and trains.

Looking cool.  

Cincinnati Zoo.

Jonathan's Birthday party in Dayton.

Mimi and Papaw.

Opening presents.

Jonathan loves playing in the rain in his rainboots.

"I'm 2!!)

1 comment:

  1. You have SUCH beautiful boys. I know they can't help it (they have a gorgeous mom, what are they gonna do??), but still! They are so, so beautiful.

    Also, the pic of J holding Micah is awesome. Micah is SO gangsta. It's like he's thinking, "Word. Yee-uh."
