Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Micah is 6 Months

Better late than never, right?  Micah turned 6 months old on January 2nd.  We flew back from our Christmas travels on the 1st, and by the 2nd, Andy and I had the flu.  Micah got it a few days later, so we had a pretty slow start to 2013. Luckily Micah's sickness was pretty mild and he remained reasonably happy.  

At 6 months Micah is 16 pounds and 26 1/2 inches.  He has changed quite drastically over the last month.  He is really active, loves playing with his toys, and loves bouncing in the Johnny Jump Up.  His favorite position is standing up, which makes Mommy quite tired from holding him all the time.  He is sitting up pretty well and usually thinks it is funny when he topples over, as long as there is a pillow to catch him.  We finally moved him out of the bassinet into the pack-'n'-play. Like his brother at this age, he isn't really interested in sleeping for very long stretches at a time, but we are patient and know he will get sleep figured out eventually.

Also like his brother, Micah is turning into a really smiley little guy.  He cut two more teeth the week we all had the flu so he now has two on top and two on bottom.  

One last bassinet pic.

We had just decorated our little Christmas tree.  Big bother was more interested in touching the ornaments then smiling for the camera.

My good friend Sara and her daughter Emma.  Emma is just a few weeks older then Micah.

"Christmas Eve" at our house.

This was on the Polar Express in Branson.  We took the train with Andy's family.  The boys both had a great time.


This swing was mine as a baby.

Grandma's birthday.

Grandpa. (Micah shares a middle name with Grandpa).

Micah was baby Jesus in the Nelson family Christmas play.  Here he is with Mary and Joseph.  

 More Cousins.

The famous King bed.
Everyone in my family since Aunt Vonna has slept in this bed.  Pretty cool to sleep in a bed that Grandma slept in as a baby.  


Jonathan is currently fascinated with anything that has to do with flying.  Airplanes, airports, control towers, cockpits -- you name it.  So while we were in Amarillo Grandpa took us to the hangar to see a couple of planes that he flies.  Jonathan loved climbing all through this one. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh. my. word. I did not know that boy could get any cuter! Seriously, he is really filling out, showing his personality, and just getting more precious by the day. I love it!! The close-up shot in the Bumbo is fantastic!

    That boy is lucky I'm not around more often: I would squeeze those cheeks all day long! Love em!!

    And the pic of the four of you at your parents' house is SOOOO great. It's good of each and every one of you. Now, if you could just crop out the fact that Andy couldn't be bothered to throw on a pair of shoes, you've got a great little family portrait!
